Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time there was a princess named Princess Sophia. And every princess needs a prince to make her official. Her prince was a prince named Prince Hyrum.
Hyrum was a good prince. Cause he dressed the part. Princess Sophia went to the ball with her Prince Hyrum. There were other princesses and princes at the ball. The music was lovely. The princesses were pretty good cause they all had dresses on, except Princess Natalie, but she doesn't really count yet cause she doesn't know what's going on. The Princes know better. Atleast, they should... but there was one prince that was just absurd. He didn't even have prince clothes on. He was not a real prince.
Princess Lily didn't care, she just liked how he danced. But Princess Sophia new better. She would not dance with a prince like that.
Oh, there was also a bad guy. The bad guy would come and go as needed. Sometimes he returned as Prince Wesley when the princesses needed another prince.
(They fill their role so dutifully, good job princes.)
Princess Sophia loved her dance with Prince Hyrum. But then Prince Hyrum said it was Princess Natalie's turn to dance. Prince Wesley was dancing with Princess Abi, which just left Prince Joseph. And you know what that means....
Princess Sophia would not have it. She collapsed on the floor in outrage. Prince Joseph ran to his castle to put on a shirt and tie. Nice try Prince Joseph, but your gym shorts are still offending the little highness. He would not take no for an answer and swept her in to his arms...
Absolutely not. She escaped his hideous grasp and resumed her protest on the floor. Princess Lily didn't mind Joseph, they continued their dance. Prince Hyrum tried to apologize to Princess Sophia.
Oh, then Prince Joseph and Princess Lily suddenly both collapsed from eating poison apples.
Prince Hyrum continued his pleading to Princess Sophia.
"Please, my darling... anything, my darling... You are my one true love!"
"You! YOU left me! You left me with no one to dance with except Joseph!"
"No way, Hyrum, don't you come crawling back to me... I'm ticked! I'm so mad at you. I'm not going to dance with you anymore ever ever again!"
Well, she didn't say any of those thing, but she sure did "look" them. Hell hath no fury like a Sophi scorn... both hands tucked away from him! Take that! You are not getting my hand for this dance!
Yeah, you tell him Sophi. She didn't say anything, she just glared.
Well, there's only so much pleading a dignified Prince can do. You're good, Prince Hyrum. You gave it an honest effort. He moves on to Princess Natalie again. Then, Princess Sophia notices that Prince Joseph had some of the poison apple in his hand! Oh no! Wow, is he really dead?
She stared at him for a few moments, looked at the apple. Joseph trying to not break character, but he thinks it's kinda cute/funny. She looks at the poison apple again. ...Actually it was a tomato. Mmmm, vine ripe tomato... can't be that bad, can it? She takes it from his dead body. Looks at it. Looks at Prince Joseph.
Seems fine to me.
You're cute Sophia.
Well, the dancing continued throughout the kingdom for another hour or so, well past 12:00. The bad guy came and went, Prince Hyrum and the bad guy had an epic battle... all the typical fairytale happenings, you know.
Prince Hyrum saved the day and the merry festivities continued and they all danced happily ever after.
Abi and Lily sure got a kick out of Joseph's dancing.
Hyrum had a tough time juggling so many dancing Princesses. Sadly, it looked like Princess Sophia would never recover from that second dance rejection...
Oh, there she goes! She's up! See her on the right hand side - she's dancing! Prince Wesley has won fair maiden! Phew! That was a close one...and little Princess Natalie practiced her baby dance moves on the floor too.
It was fun to see all of them play together. I love summer! Summer time = family time!

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