Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Life Goes On

I absolutely love these pink and yellow roses in our front yard, aren't they amazing! Sigh, just heaven!
A flower a day keeps the blues away! (Or two flowers, or three...)
Things are going well here. It's been a bit quiet around the house this week, kinda... Melodie's been at Oakcrest Girl's camp, she left on Monday, and then this morning Joseph and Ethan left for a Jazz Band tour in San Diego. They'll be gone through next Tuesday. We hardly know what to do with ourselves with only 6 kids. I did mess up dinner - we set the table and dished up food for 6 kids, without remembering that one of them was Natalie who doesn't sit at the table yet. So there were lots of kids eager to eat up the extra orange chicken, which is always a kid favorite. We had extra large portions without the big boys around hogging the food, the little boys liked that. Mel doesn't make so much of a difference either way food wise cause she eats like a bird.

Speaking of birds, here's a funny story. Yesterday, about mid morning, I was in the bed nursing Natalie and half asleep when there was a big crash noise. I jumped up out of bed with a start and Natalie slept through it and I looked around to what had just caused my heart attack, since there were no children within sight. Hmm, other clues... I notice that the framed collage picture and a few other things I had displayed up high in a bedroom window had been knocked to the floor - and there were feathers on the outside of the window. (the frame is put back up in the window here below)
So feathers gave a clue that it was a bird, and that said bird probably hit the window pretty hard. So hard that it was able to cause the collage picture leaning next to it to tumble to the floor below. The picture brought with it a little jewelry box that I got from my Grandma when I was in elementary school (that I have small fragile keepsakes and mementos in) and it knocked the little music box part off of the top lid. I think I might be able to fix that with super glue... the small keepsakes were still intact.
And the fall of the frame also knocked a little glass unicorn to the floor. This is a little thing that Corey got me for Christmas to invoke admiration from his young princess daughters. They were in awe at what a special gift it was for me - it was glass, fragile, sparkly, glittery, pink, and pretty. Yes, this fragile unicorn and her winged fairy friend got pulverized by the robin hitting my window in a freak accident.
I showed the kids what happened to my very special gift. They were impressed that I wasn't weeping and wailing. We went out side to see if we could see a dead bird on the roof. It was there and it was upright, but it wasn't moving. We watched it stand still like a statue and then got a broom to kinda poke at it to see if it was alive and then it very very slightly turned it's head toward us. Ok, looks like it's not dead, I guess he was just trying to see straight again and recover from his very very bad headache. So that's the story of the young robin learning to fly that crashed into our master bedroom window and destroyed my very special glass unicorn. And I still haven't had a chance to look for the super glue, but I did clean up a can of comet cleaner that Natalie poured out on the kitchen floor. And cleaned off about half of the black permanent marker that Sophi drew in my window sills again (How is it that permanent markers always end up laying around the house within the reach of these toddlers!!?!? Discovered the culprit but she wasn't around to yell at ~ Mel was using that one on Monday morning to mark her luggage for camp.) And also Sophi poured herself an overflowing glass of milk on the stairs, got the carpet all wet. And life goes on. :) The end.

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