Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Cub Scout Camp

Today I got to spend the day at Cub Country. I think Wesley just makes the handbook version of a little scout. Actually all the scouts were pretty cute.
Wesley had a great time and I'm grateful for all the effort put into making camp like this possible. But I do think there has to be a way to run it that works better for the leaders, cause I was struggling a little bit with the letter of the law that they have to run by. And I know they're just trying to be totally sure they protect the kids and themselves from bad things happening, but, I don't know, seems like there should be a better/easier way? So we were told we needed two leaders to go. And for some reason those two leaders have to be the same gender, which I don't get. So our troop already had one mom going, so they needed another lady. So I couldn't pawn this off on Corey or his dad or my dad.... and since no other mom or lady leader was offering I let myself be the martyr. I consider myself a martyr cause I was going to have to take Natalie, which I knew would stretch me, and it did. (but she is cute)
Corey was a martyr too, cause I knew this was going to mess up his work day for him to stay home and do my job of taking care of the other 8 kids, cause he has a ton he's trying and needs to get done before they go to Brazil again next month. So I felt bad for him, and was wishing I didn't have to go cause I didn't think I was really going to be needed up there for any reason at all, and I was right. There ended up only being 3 kids going from our troop, so we had two adults to three kids. And there were 4 other troops in our group and it looked like they had the same ratio as us, cause in our group there were 10 leaders and 15 kids. 
Plus if you add the two scout counselors that ran the show for us, that makes 12 adults/leaders for 15 kids. Just seems like a poor use of the leaders' time? I mean everyone has a hundred things to do, if they need us to come help up at camp, seems like we should atleast really be needed to help in some real way? Some way to please make us feel like we are contributing members of society? 
So here's the leaders for our group ~ I was standing behind holding Natalie after she finally fell asleep (hallelujah, but my biceps are a burnin'...) and we've got 5 ladies on the right log, two more sitting on the left log (alteast they seemed to be having an enjoyable conversation with each other), and then in the distance is a dad in a red shirt and he was talking to another dad. So we are all sitting around doing nothing just watching, taking a picture now and then, but basically just being a body that is present so there won't be any legal problems for the the BSA, right? Just seems a little too much of a sacrifice to ask people to make for no reason. I would have rather not been there, but I'm glad Wesley was cause he finally got to do archery, which was the reason he came. He liked his leader Matthew. And Matthew let him wear his hat cause Wesley's middle name is Matthew, so they are like twins
Natalie did pretty good at not getting totally dirty.
She wore Wesley's hat after he started wearing Matthew's hat.
She's pretty, she's almost 1, I can't believe it.
So, yeah, there's my kinda rant about cub camp, the #1 place in the country for airbound dirt. But Wesley had fun. And, since it appears that he's my last boy, and I hope I've done my time and that I'm done with that for a long time. One cute thing Wesley did - during lunch there was a little boy sitting by himself at the top of the bleachers, Wesley noticed him and asked me if I thought he should go talk to him. I said sure, and he did, and they were up there playing and laughing until the lunchtime song show started.
He's a good kid. I like Wes. I also got lots of pretty pictures of the feverfew flowers up there. Keep trying to smell the flowers, this isn't Valley Forge.

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