Tuesday, August 19, 2014

School Year's Eve Prep

Tonight is our August Family Party. It is going to be the "back to school" theme. 
I took these pictures last night. When Ethan woke up this morning, he said "Where is Wesley's grade?" I pointed to the 5 on the window. He said to me "He's going into 4th!" What do I know, I can't keep track of all this. But I ran downstairs and quickly got the 4 (from our Birthday Window decorations) so maybe Wes won't find out that I didn't know what grade he is in. But anyway, let me show you my favorite part so far ~ look at the cute little banner I made! It makes me very happy to see it's back to school colors and fun patterns. :)
Honestly, I'm not thrilled about school starting again. But I know the kids are (mostly, especially Abi and the Jr. High crowd) so I figured since I can't stop it, might as well try to make the best of it.
If I had my way, we'd homeschool or buy a motorhome and have a cross country field trip and visit everywhere in the US or the world and just be together. But employment and kid's friends are becoming very important to them. What's up with that, right? I mean, MY world didn't center around friends when I was a teenager. Oh wait... nevermind. It did. Yeah, so like I said, if you can't beat 'em, join em. I must and I will celebrate school and school schedules and all that the new School year brings. I will smile like I mean it.
So for our family party, we're going to have a special "school lunch"-ish dinner, going to have "centers" where the kids will do some school prep stuff and learning, like "Where do you put your backback when you get home from school" which no one seemed to know last year. This year, I'm almost ready. Gotta do a bit more prep work and then make cupcakes and stuff. Should be fun!! :)

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