Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fofee Bir-day!

Sophia is 3 years old today! Happy birthday Fofee! We made her a purple cake and the kids enjoyed putting sugar sprinkles all over it. Sophi was really cute blowing out the candles, we had to do it a few times cause that was Sophi's favorite part too. Look at that concentration.
Sophi knew what a "birthday" meant since it was fresh on her mind with Abi's recent celebration. The kids have been telling Sophi "It's almost YOUR birthday!" and then she'll repeat to herself "Fofee Bir-day, Fofee Boon!" She would also come up to me during the day and ask "Fofee Birday, Fofee loon?" ("boon" and "loon" = balloon) cause always have balloon on birthdays around here. "Yep, Fofee Boon! You're right Fofee!" Here she is with her loon!
She loves the "Sophia" princess Grandma Wride gave her, and she had Sophia kissing the duplo boy from Grandma Hibbert's present. Loved her new clothes and hair accessories too.
And her siblings built her Hello kitty Mega Blocks set.
Yes, she got lots of pink stuff and lots of pretty stuff, just like little girls should. Happy Birthday Sophi!

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