Monday, October 13, 2014

Working Together

I'm trying to figure out again (and will be forever) how to stay on top of the mess and chaos at home.

I'm trying FlyLady style routines again, making myself little "daily" "weekly" and "monthly" cards. My daily laundry task is do one load of laundry a day from start to finish. But since this is day one, I can't just do my one daily load cause there's a backlog of 4 loads already waiting for attention. Let's do this. I summon the children. Only Hyrum and Joseph come, they are my lifesavers. I know they will take care of me in my old age. Natalie helped us too. She did what she saw us doing: pick up and move socks.
She was very busy playing the sock shuffle, and Joseph showed her a new game - stick the socks in Joseph's shirt. It was super cute. Don't you just love big brothers playing nicely with their little sisters? It's one of the best things in the world.
Natalie, are you violating his personal space?
So Joseph and Hyrum and Natalie helped do the laundry. Our goal: laundry sorted, folded, and put away. That last one is the killer. Joseph had the hiccups, and he and Hyrum played a game of "fake or real" as they sorted socks. It was pretty funny, and I love small moments like that as we work together. That is what it's all about anyway: time together, laughing, playing, talking.

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