Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Christmas Breakfast

On Saturday, I was holding on for dear life as my week without Corey neared an end. We went to a Christmas Breakfast at our ward. It was fun. Breakfast included a delicious egg casarole, scones, fruit, milk and oj. Natalie likes to drink her milk using two forks. Not very efficient, but it kept her entertained for a quite a while, so it works for me.
Santa came for a visit near the end of the program. Lily went up eagerly, one of the first kids to sit on his lap.
Abi wanted to take Natalie. Abi held her the whole time while they waited cause Natalie didn't want to be put down. When it was time to visit Santa, she didn't want to be put near him either and was clinging for dear life. 
But she didn't yell or scream so that was good. The candy cane caught her attention. It was cute. 
And Sophi wouldn't even go near him or the stage he was on. And she said "NO SANTA". Joseph and Ethan kept trying to reassure her and tried bribing her by offering to be her bodyguards, but she was not having any of it. "I not Santa."
Later at home, there was a little Christmas bag kicking around and Sophi picked it up. She used it for her game, and then realized it had picture of a realistic looking Santa on it. Then she said to herself as she looked at it and while pointing to St. Nick (I was in earshot and loved it) "Fofi not want Santa. (pause) ...Ever!" We all think it's pretty cute.

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