Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Orthodontist Appointment

Neither Corey nor I had braces growing up, so I have no personal experience with orthodontics. But that is about to change, cause I now know that I have kids that will need them. Today I took Wesley and Abi in for a consultation at McDonough Orthodonics. Their office came very highly praised via my facebook request for recommendations. My little sis' endorsement was the one that influenced me most, so she's the one I named and that I think they'll be sending the $20 thank you gift cards to in the mail. :) I have to say I was a little skeptical of all the enthusiasm and raving about them, I mean they can't be that amazing, it's just another dental office, right? But I'm happy to say after our appointment there, they delivered on all those high expectations I was trying not to have and I love them too. (I wish my maternity appointments could be as much, blah) Great office, great experience, even cookies as we left, and I'm super glad we're going there!

Abi is just 7, and Dr. David (such a nice guy!) said that orthodontics are most likely in her future, but not yet. So Abi just gets to come back every 6 months for a check up. Abi is glad she doesn't need them yet. She was pretty nervous, but then again, she is always been my sensitive little girl. When they were taking pictures of her teeth, Wesley and I were laughing so hard, I had to go get my phone to take some pictures. I hurried out to the lobby to grab it. And to check on my 3 little girls (still watching Monsters Inc, good baby sitter Lily!) We came back, and they had moved on from the clear plastic funny face maker and on to a metal one...
This was Abi's and mine and Wesley's favorite part of the consultation - making silly faces with their mouth opener thingy's while they took pictures of her teeth.
Wesley and I were laughing so hard at her, and I think she was laughing too, but you couldn't tell she was smiling cause her lips were already spread out all the way. When she was done, she was excited to see for herself what all the fun was about. I showed her a few of the pictures I took of her ~ "AHHH!"
...and then we said "Wes, you're next!!!" And we started laughing again
We'd never had so much fun at the doctors!
So funny!
For Wesley, the moment is upon him... Wes is getting braces next week!!! Are you excited?
C'mon, show me your most excited smile!
Hey, you can do better than that!!
Abi and Wes both want some of these mouth things for their birthday, cause just think of all the fun we could have making funny faces with these! Oh yeah, all the kids in our house of characters would love it.
So, Wesley is going back tomorrow to get models of his teeth made, and then next Wednesday he goes back for the braces. We'll post about that big day when it comes. Joseph and Hyrum have appointments next week, we'll see how many kids in braces we can have at the same time! Yeah, that sounds like fun! (Hope it doesn't break the bank!)