Friday, January 16, 2015

Ice Rink Science

Corey and the boys have been working hard on the ice rink this winter.
When most of us were sick over the break, Joseph served as Corey's slave and worked impressively hard out in the cold temperatures.
"That looks cold, Joseph." - Me
"It is" - Joseph
He was often wearing shorts, since he wears shorts around the house most of the time. And he ended up having to go out so often to move the hose or something that he started to get too lazy to put on snow pants every time... which made him especially proud of his body's ability to fight the flu the rest of us had - cause look at all the extra abuse he was imposing upon himself, and he STILL didn't have a cold!
So they've been working hard, but the weather hasn't totally been cooperating... It got really cold for a week or two, but other than that it's been pretty warm. And when it has been cold, it's snowed, which snowfall has messed up the top layer of ice.
See all those bumps? So sad.
So then they'd go put the hose on again to try and melt it a little and hope it would get cold enough that it would freeze over night.

Corey's been a little frustrated, but is learning more about all the little things that make or break a successful ice rink. And he is still hopeful that they'll be able to have a few evenings of night hockey. The ice rink has worked well for Ethan - he's doing something about ice and how far a hockey puck will go in different temperatures for his science fair project.
I don't know that much about what he and his friend are doing, cause I try to do my best to avoid helping with science projects.
And they want a Zamboni for next year. Sweet.