Thursday, February 19, 2015

16 Years

It's our 16th anniversary today. Here is Corey picking me up to go to the temple on that blessed day 16 years ago, the last time he'd ever have to pick me up from my parents' house, cause that night we got to leave together.
Best day ever. Actually maybe that's not true, cause there is another day that comes close ~ I recently told the kids the best day was 2 December 1998 after I got home from my mission, as that was a day I had marked on my calendar for a very long time, and was the day that I got to see and sit by and soon hold hands with Corey again. Although we had kissed before our missions, we didn't kiss that night. I remember when he dropped me off after a date to temple square, that he just hugged me and let out a big sigh of relief, relief that I felt too... happy relief that the long wait was over and the years were behind us, and now we could get on to our life together!
Yes, I had looked forward to December 2nd for a long time, so that was a best day ever cause that was the beginning of the best days. And our wedding day was just the cherry on top, the day that made our bond official and eternal. Every day since has been a better day, it just keeps getting better.
Here's one of our engagement photos. Young and in love ~
Now we're almost middle aged and even more love. It's great spending our days together. I love building a life with my best friend. We both give our relationship and our marriage 10 out of 10. We've got a great courtship and story. So grateful for how it's all turned out, even better than I could have imagined.