Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Joseph's Braces

Joseph got braces this morning. He's not sure what he thinks, saying "It makes me look like my teeth were really crooked..." cause he's got a full set on upper and lower teeth. His main problem was crowding, but if you move the bottom, you gotta move the top too, cause they need to be aligned. So that's what's going on with Joseph's teeth. He would have preferred invasalign, and I said sure if he wanted to pay the difference. For how much it is already (5K), he could have had a nice used car. Oh well!

I didn't take an after picture, but we'll get a photo of him after he comes home. :)

Ok, Joseph's home. Here he is ~
He said that he was showing his full teeth most of the day at school and would say "I'm a Piranha..." as he chomped his teeth, which totally made me laugh.
Yeah, Darla! That's the look you got now! Well, you're a good sport, Joseph. Sorry we didn't get these braces on you sooner. It was a honest mistake, I really didn't think you needed them. Now I think Corey and I could probably use some orthodontic care - they showed me all the before and after pictures on their tv during Joseph's consultation as he was getting his x-rays done, and I was like "Well those before teeth don't look so bad... but the after teeth looks awesome!" and now my teeth are not looking so perfect after all. So sad. And Corey has the crowding on bottom which was the same as Joseph. After we get all these kids "straightened out" and their used cars paid off of in a few years, I think I'll have Corey and I go in together, we can both get invisalign. As for you, Joseph, I know you have a metal mouth now, but it will be good for you... it builds character. :)