Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Sitting at the Bar

Natalie is fighting for equal rights again - this time her demand is to sit on the stools like all the other children, no more of this high chair nonsense. Corey put her up at the island while he made crepes. Makes me nervous!
Natalie - you realize there is nothing to protect you from falling off and bonking your head on the floor that is very very far down, right?
Are you ready to take that risk? Or shall I just stand behind you everytime you eat now? How's that crepe?
Why does everything she do just seem so adorable? The way she studies her food, the way she tries to fork the food...
The way she shoves the whole thing into her mouth...
She way she tries to chew the whole thing...
Such a sweet little girl pretending she's such a big girl.
Then the next day, again, demanding fair treatment, she sat at the bar for breakfast.
Trying to eat her shredded wheat crumbs. (I told her it was gone, but everyone else had some, so no cheerios, she wants the shredded wheat too!)
And Natalie, you know that you just have the sweetest big baby girl eyes in the world, don't you?
As I go through this pregnancy and feel a little tortured, I just look at Natalie and any of the kids and remember and know it will all be worth it to have another little BFF for forever and ever and ever!