Monday, March 9, 2015

2 Weeks 'til Departure

I got some things done today, yay. I went by the hardware store to get copies of our house key to give to our parents and neighbor. It was funny, I was at Costco today and was late getting home (cause I dropped my credit cards in the store somewhere after I bought our groceries, so somewhere between the check out stand and the car, so I couldn't leave until I found them! but I did find them, phew!) but called the kids to let them know I was late, and wouldn't be there when they got home from school. And wouldn't you know, of the 4 kids, none of them had their house key. Then Melodie dug around in her backpack a little more and did actually have hers, but I thought it was funny that they were all locked out for a while cause none of them had their key. So we put one of the extras I got yesterday in a hide-a-key location too.

What else. 2 weeks left... next week I'm sure is going to be a blur, so really trying to kick it in gear this week. Wrote letters to the schools to let them know the kids will be withdrawn, their last day will be the 19th, then we're spending a night with Corey's family up Ogden canyon, and then the next day our neighbor is throwing a "see ya in 4 months" going away party at their cabin, so we can get one last ski day in. So I need to sort through laundry and we're going to start to pack clothing and stuff. Here are a few pictures of our house that we'll be staying at:
Outdoor grill area, cause Brazil is the BBQ king of the world. Corey told me we're hosting a bbq at our place the day we arrive.

It's always interesting to arrive at a place after seeing it in pictures, and for me atleast it's always different than I imagined. But I'm excited. We're excited, I better go do some work.

One more think - in November when Corey went to Brazil, he brought a huge Tahitian floating raft for one of his employees. Eduardo ordered it and shipped it to our address, I didn't know Corey was taking gifts, so then when this huge 100 pound box of a "Tahitian floating island" showed up on the doorstep, I was scratching my head, then shaking my head, I thought it was silly. When I dropped Corey off at the airport for that trip, I took a few laps around the airport to wait for Corey to say if he was able to check it in or now. We didn't think he'd be able to get it on as luggage, but for an extra hefty fee, by some miracle they took it and it arrived in Brazil. Eduardo and his friends recently enjoyed their first run on the river.

I think they're going to give us a ride while we're down there. Their latest addition to the island was trying to attach a grill to it. Cause you can't go anywhere in Brazil without being prepared for a BBQ. Should be fun!