Monday, March 2, 2015

3 Weeks Till Brazil

I'm hoping to leave the house organized when we leave in 3 weeks. We finally had a little bit of time to talk and flush out a little bit of the details yesterday. But not long enough, I'm sure we'll be scrambling the week before we go. I feel like there's not a ton to do to get ready, since we don't have to pack things for storage or move, but I know there is still a lot to do, if I could only think long enough without interruption to figure out what it all is.

So, today I was working on collecting visiting teaching reports, which has been my calling in our ward. They've called a new person to do it since we're leaving, but I'm still helping this month. So, as I was gathering I was writing notes on papers, I got interrupted of course many times, and upon one of my returns to gather reports I found my newly decorated papers ~ the reports were on one scratch paper and one set of printed and stapled papers... but it doesn't matter how nice I try to make them look before hand, cause this is always what eventually happens to my notes and papers that I try to write thoughts or important information on:
So I thought it was rather symbolic. That's what the current attempts of trying to plan for Brazil look like. Luckily Corey says he's got it under control. I trust that we'll all make it there alive and with clothing and won't lose any children on the way, and that's about all I can expect, anything else is just icing on the cake. :) It will be a grand adventure!