Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Breakfast Face

Look at this cute little sleepy eyed breakfast face! I had to get Natalie up early yesterday (early for us is 8:30) so I could take her to my friends house so that I wouldn't have to take her to the ultrasound. I had her cereal ready when I got her out of bed (yes, she slept in her clothes) and came and plopped her down on the stool. I wasn't sure if I should put a recently awoken child up at such a height, but she had her balance under control and there were no problems. And she just looked so sleepily cute I took pictures, and this is how she said "cheese"
I love that little face. Sophi wanted me to take her picture too. And can you see that she needs glasses? The eye crossing comes and goes during the day, but I do wish we were able to get her in to the ophthalmologist before Brazil. Oh well, hang in there Soph.
Then I took another pictures of perfect Natalie.
And Sophi moaned for me to take another picture of her. Gotta keep things fair!