Friday, March 6, 2015

Driver's Permit

Corey took Joseph to the DMV today and he came home with a driver's permit. He had to take the written test twice, but got it that second time. And then he drove home! When I first heard that, I was amazed thinking "ON ThE FREEWAY?!? Ahhh!!" No, they took the side road. Ok, that's good, nice and slow side streets, yes that's fine. We've let him drive home from church a few times, and I let him drive Abi to a friend's house with me riding shot gun. And he does fine, but he's tense and goes slow, not to be entrusted yet steering a car moving at 60 mph. So side roads is good, and I know he'll work up to freeway speed soon enough. He's a good kid, there's no other 15 year old I'd rather coach driving. He's looking forward to his next birthday very much. :)

(Will update with a picture later)