Friday, March 20, 2015

Full Nights Sleep

So this is a big deal for me - I'd like to announce that Natalie slept through the night again last night, and that makes it THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW! I know I've probably been messing up somewhere that my 18 month old hasn't been sleeping through the night until now, but oh well, gotta celebrate these little achievements when they do finally happen. So with a full night's sleep, I've had two good mornings (on the days we still had school) but today was great morning since it was the first day of NO SCHOOL! and I just felt so wow amazed to wake up and realize that my teddy bear stayed in her crib once again. I was able to go on a nice long morning walk, and when I returned to check on my baby girl, I peeked in to see this precious sight.
 She was in her crib looking at a little board book, she was resting on her tummy with both her hands holding her chin as she read, it was too cute.
I knew she wouldn't hold it long enough for me to get the camera once she saw me, so cupped hands are off her chin in these, but still just as precious.
She likes to look at the book and copy what the people in the pictures do with their hands. Here she is holding up her hand like Noah does to catch the dove.
Love this angel, she makes my mornings bright. (And those are some pictures taken with my new Canon EOS camera that Corey got me as an early birthday present! Sooo excited!)

So lucky us, our summer vacation is here! Utah seemed to be having an early spring this year, so I think it only appropriate that an early summer vacation should be in order too. Corey and most of the kids spent the night with cousins and his side of the family, so it's been quiet around here, just me and Mel and Natalie. Mel was so nice to stay and help me clean, we stayed up until 1 am being girl friends and chit-chatting and laughing and cleaning, it was fun. This morning, I woke up and, without the 2.5 hours of the morning school routine, I went on a walk, it was wonderful. I listened to "Be Still" several times as I saw the sun rise - "rise up like the sun, and labor till the work is done~". It was a great morning and looking forward to a great day. Now the nervousness of the reality of our trip is setting in, Got a lot to do. toodles