Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Sunday Morning

Saturday night we all crashed at an early hour, which was great. We got a good nights sleep. After the previous night of sleeping on the plane, I noticed and was so grateful to be able to have my feet up and not get swollen by pregnancy. It was also so nice to be able to lay down all the way - the night before my tailbone was killing from sleeping sitting up. Those little things I always take for granted every night but not this past Saturday night. I will try to do better to always remember and be grateful. We don't have any fans in the house yet, so it got a little hot for the little girls, and I think that made them wake up. So the came in to increase the joint body heat in our bed. It's a queen, smaller than our king at home, but we all squeezed in together and got toasty warm!d Around 6:30 Natalie was waking up, making Sophi start to stir too...
Let's go peek in on the other kids - Wes and Hyrum are sharing a room. This house doesn't have a lot of furnishings, but we are glad it has mattresses.
The rooms stay nice and dark until you open the wood shutters.
Here's the girls asleep on their floor mattresses. Abi wants to be with Mel "cause the little girls make a mess" (Abi, sweetie, you're one of them!) and Lily doesn't feel safe with Sophi cause Sophi bailed on her during the night leaving her all alone. So we're still figuring out the room arrangement, so had to move her mattress over during the night.
We woke up nice and early here compared to when we wake up on typical Sunday mornings in Utah. So we got ready and made it to church in time. In Primary, they gave all the kids a little chocolate treat with a cute foam bunny. Abi was the only one who saved her treat until after we got home so I could take a picture. :)
And we broke out the "hardship ice cream" to help Sophi. She looks like she's had better days...
She's got a lot of mosquito bites and keeps picking at them and making them look worse. The cold sore on her upper lip is looking better though. But she still looks like she's had a rough week! Here, have some hardship ice cream. To remind you of the easy life in the states you used to know. I've been serving up fruit for breakfast. The kids are already "tired" of fruit... Yesterday Abi griped "we have it everyday!" (which had been two mornings thus far). I told her she could deal with it, and "how come you never get tired of cereal, huh? You used to have that everyday, my goodness, let's toughen up a little!"

After church I had a nice nap and Abi got a hold of my camera. Here is her work.
When I woke up I joined them outside and we had a nice chat about what's different than the US, what's better, what is new, what they miss. We enjoy expanding their definition of what reality is, this is going to be a great experience for all of us. We're glad to be here! :)