Monday, March 23, 2015

T Minus 2 hours...

I'm ready to leave the country, cause I did finally get the laundry room desk cleared off. Which means I was able to cue my cleaning bff Mr. Clean and his magic eraser, and got off all the marker and paint and kid art that they had left there over the past few months. 
I got it cleaned off around 11 last night, then with my now clear head, was then able to start to pack stuff into bins which I did until about 1:30. I set my alarm for 6:30, but woke up at 5 and couldn't turn my brain off, so I went and labeled the little drawers in the laundry room. Like organizing legos, this is something that should obviously be top priority the morning of a long trip, right? Yeah right. Somehow I guess it's good psychology though cause it did help calm my nerves. (Starting to feel the panic/nervousness/reality of what we're doing...)
Have I ever mentioned that I just love these little ABC stamper markers? They make me happy.
Joseph and Ethan went to school today, cause they are still living here in reality, and we thought it would help them not be too overwhelmed with homework they have to make up if they didn't miss if they didn't have to.

I finished packing bins - thanks to my little work un-doers being gone and also thanks to a box of girl scout cookies that helped with my emotional eating. I asked Mel to label the ones that we don't need until Brazil with yellow tape. But that won't cut it for Mel, she had to make little Brazil flags on the tape. Cute overachiever
All the kid's carry ons are ready to go by the front door...
Abi, Lily and Natalie are over at their friend Esti's house, Sophi is home sick with a fever. It's 12:30 and she's still asleep, poor girl. Hope she's ready for a busy afternoon. My mom and dad and wonderful Aubrey are getting us and all our luggage to the airport, leaving around 2:30...
And now I've written this up twice, cause somehow my last draft of this got deleted so I had to try and rewrite all my thoughts. But since we're all done packing I figured I have time to waste. :) And now I'm ready to go ~ Brazil, here we come