Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Birthday Lunch

On Sunday, one of Melodie's young women's leaders, Bianca, talked to Corey and I to make sure we knew about an activity they were having at her house on Tuesday (today). She said she could come by and pick up Melodie. Then she said "Actually, why don't you all come by for lunch?" So we did. And we had a grand time. Corey had a presentation in Sao Paulo, so it was just me and the kids. So get ready for an overload of pictures that I took this afternoon. They have a beautiful home and were such gracious hosts. We all enjoyed a wonderful lunch of salad, grilled chicken, ham lasagna (yum), cheese potatoes, and corn. After than we took a quick break outside -Natalie headed straight for their playground - she's doing a full on toddler sprint toward the slide, pretty cute.
Do you love slides, Natalie? If you do, show me a big smile...
That looks like a yes to me! But don't have too much fun yet, you need to come back in for dessert! When we arrived, Sophi told them about her birthday (cause every day is Sophi's birthday). Well, they just happened to have chocolate cake, so we played along and sang happy birthday to Sophi after Bianca lit a candle for her...
Sophi was so pleased, her master plan worked!
But it's actually Lily that has the next closets birthday in June, so we decided to sing to her, too.
Anyone else want a birthday? Abi? Okay, Happy Birthday to you too, it's just a big triple birthday party lunch today!
Sophi scooted her chair up to the dessert table and kicked up her feet - feeling pretty comfortable.
Sophi, are you a little embarrassed to be making yourself so at home?
Natalie slurped up the jello. The jello cups all had cute little umbrellas in them that the girls are saving for their Disney "polly pocket" toy dolls.
Then we spent the afternoon swimming in the pool. I didn't bring a swimsuit for Natalie or Sophi, cause I wasn't planning on swimming, and thus Natalie was out, and Sophi refuses to swim here at home and won't wear a floatie, so that means she's out too. She was pretty sad that I didn't bring her suit. Let's see your pout, Soph...
Oh come on Sophi, be honest... you haven't willingly gone swimming even once during the two weeks we've been here. She was screaming bloody murder as Corey held her yesterday, thus why I didn't think you'd be interested in swimming and thus didn't bring your suit. My bad. But it's kinda your fault, so you're gonna have to deal with it. Natalie didn't care about not having a suit - she was quickly wading into the shallow end of the pool anyway.
 And then was completely drenched. 
 Playing swimming peek-a-boo games with Abi and Wesley...
 "That looks fun, I think I'll submerge myself too..."
Diapers sure can hold a lot of pool water.
It was a warm Brazilian "fall" day. I think those wet clothes probably felt good.
They brought out some water balloons that up'd the fun level.
Wesley and his new friend Carlos making balloons to throw at the fish in the pool.
Everyone outside had a fun time swimming.
Our pool at home doesn't have a shallow end like this, and it doesn't have any stairs leading into it. It's deep all around, and you gotta jump in, then sink or swim. 
It was nice to be able to let Natalie play in the pool without someone having to hold her. 
I went to find what Sophi decided to do with her time. She was able to find some fun for herself in their playroom - cute kitchen set!
She really liked the teapot, it made sounds.
 Back outside to watch kids in the pool
 The water balloon fight was still going strong.
Lucas brought out their pet turtle
 Then time for a races across the pool - ready, set... go!
And time for a snack ~ Natalie liked the grapes....
 Abi all prepped to overdose herself on blue jello.
"Do you have some whipped cream to go with this?" Then Wesley wanted some, but no jello, which started this activity among the kids...
 Hmm, should I be embarrassed yet?
With pampering like this, my kids won't ever want to go home! Soon we heard lightening and all went inside, where Sophi was still sweetly entertaining herself
They had come by our house at the beginning of our family play date to help give me and the kids a ride since we don't all fit in one car. And after giving us a ride home and as we said thanks and goodbye, we talked of when we'll go by again. Her husband is going to help teach Corey the secrets cooking an awesome Brazilian BBQ. We had a little more dinner when we got home, then the sun was going down (goes down here at 6) and they got ready for bed. After Wesley was finished, he came and gave me a hug and said "Thanks for taking us here..." I guess that means they had a good day. :)