Saturday, April 4, 2015

Easter Weekend

Joseph and Ethan have spent the past week with my parents. We rarely visit my parents' house, usually they come over to mine where there is more space, so this was a real treat for them to not only go over there, but to spend a whole week! Wow! Ethan said it was kinda cool to think of me growing up in that house. 

So, this weekend is General Conference. They enjoyed listening in a nice quiet house. They went to priesthood session with my dad tonight, a little tradition the Hibbert men have. My dad took this picture over the weekend. I got good kids. 
I also told them about the blood moon happening this morning. They weren't interested enough to get up between 5 and 6:30 to see it. I'm bummed we missed it, it was going to eclipse after the sun was rising for us here in Brazil, so it was a no go. Got this picture from the local Utah news Fox 13 
This one courtesy of Kathy Hackford :)
Last time I remember thinking it would be cool to have the eclipse when the moon was setting so it would look bigger. Would have been cool. Maybe I'll catch the last one in September? As for other happenings for us here in South America... I found this little creature running wild in my backyard ~
She's been drawing all over her body this whole week. Bad part was it was non washable markers that Abi was gifted from her school class. So I got some washable markers yesterday on our Walmart run, and look at what she did this to her nose. Oh, don't pretend you're upset, you did that to yourself...
No problemo, sweetheart - it washes right off, hooray. It did made me laugh cause I'd just watched the SNL sketch of the live action Bambi trailer, so it made me look at Natalie as if she's one of their little beetle forest friends running around in the Brazilian jungle.

This afternoon they were all running around the jungle, on a token Easter Egg hunt.
And it really was "an easter egg" hunt - there was only one egg. But it was a big one. I hid the egg and little piles of 7 treats around the house (didn't trust the bugs outside to leave them alone as they waited for their hunters to find them)
There is the treat list. There was no more than one pile in each room/closet/bathroom. Didn't take the kids too long, they're good hunters.
Kitchen bathroom behind the sink, check.
They went from room to room and did pretty good finding everything,
...except the egg! Yay, glad I hid that one in a good spot. Where is it, where is it....
I had to give a clue - look high and look low.
It was tucked at the top of Lily's closet. Within view, but look up. They all enjoyed the spoils.
"BIS" are little chocolate coated wafer treats. I should have gotten a few more things, oh well. It was a good enough shot of sugar for them to make it through the day.
Then we listened to General Conference outside - the kids swam as we all listened to it on the loud speaker.
Despite Hyrum's verbal promise to listen as he swam, I don't think he caught very much.
Yeah, they didn't really pay to much attention I don't think. We'll get them tomorrow, muah hah. Natalie and Sophi, bless their hearts, kept themselves entertained the whole first session coloring, it was great!
My mosquito bitten ankles. We gotta watch out for dengue. These mosquitoes are being really mean, or we're just being wimps.
We listened to the first and second session outside, and then Corey and Hyrum listened to Priesthood session live, which was from 9:00 to 11:00pm Brazil time. I put the kids to bed while they listened, but first I had to let them at the big egg...
Ahh! Heaven in the flesh for children
So then we brushed teeth and they were sent to bed. I'll catch up on the priesthood talks next week. We had a nice time listening to conference, good memories. And the talks shared, as always, were food for the soul.