Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Noite Familiar

Last night we hosted a Family Home Evening here at our home. We had the missionaries come with some of the new members of the ward and some investigators too I think (I didn't really understand too much of what was said...) We sang a song in Portuguese, the kids read scriptures and shared talks from general conference that they liked (in English) and I shared a spiritual thought in muddled Spanish (my Spanish has been totally messed up now, since my brain it attempting to try and do the words I think I know in Portuguese, it all just come out as a big mess of "not English words") and there were some ward members from China who teach Chinese here, so we had a real cultural experience, it was a lot of fun. Corey led the lesson with a kid on his lap.
We had a big crowd ~
Two of the sisters from China spoke English too, so the kids really liked their company. Wesley showing his art work. They were super cute, way fun personalities!
You having fun, Wes?
They played a game, I watched and kept an eye on kiddos.
Then time for the food! They had all brought so much, I didn't think it would all be eaten, but most of it was.
One of the sisters swept the whole floor when we were all done eating, and we said goodbye to everyone with a kiss on the cheek. We got the kids ready for bed and Corey swept the floor again, and it was late so we felt/hoped it was good enough until morning. Then I came to the kitchen to get a drink of the bottled water before bed and didn't wear my shoes (mistake I won't make again) and I didn't have the lights on, and then felt the ants crawling on my feet and ankles. I jumped and kinda screamed and shook my feet and tried to wipe any dead ones off of the bottom of my feet, yuck, as I tap danced on my toes as I swept them all out the door, hoping to not let in mosquitos. So, my most recent notes to self: Wear shoes when getting a drink of water at night. And sweep 3 times next time! Probably mop too, even if it's late.