Thursday, April 9, 2015


The kids get creative when it comes to swimming. These pictures are from this past Monday, 6 April. They tried to use a bin as a boat. It doesn't work, but it made me laugh to see them try. And they were laughing at each other and having contest about who could float the longest. No one could last for more than 1 second before tipping over... it's just not balanced!
That helmet that Wesley is wearing is one of two red helmets that was left here at the house... I don't know who they belong to, but the kids like to wear them just to be goofy I guess. That makes me laugh too, silly
Natalie follows their example and puts on the helmet too - so silly.
Natalie mostly likes to wander around the house and yard. She doesn't have a desire to go swimming, but on the two times I've gotten into the pool, I've put her in the pool. The water's pretty cold though.
Natalie is very careful and hasn't attempted to get in, but we still keep the pool covered when the older kids are done swimming and they can only swim if I'm out there watching.
The thing Natalie likes to do the most is throw rocks in the pool. There are two landscaping/decorative areas in the deck by the pool where there are smooth looking river rocks. Those are the ones she likes to throw.
She also is in charge of making sure that all the floaties get put in the pool for the kids to use.
Other than that, she just plays with toys or draws in the back covered bbq/patio area. It's a nice outside living space.
Wesley kept his goggles on his forehead for too long...
One more treat - a little butterfly stopped by to say hi to the kids on Monday -
It kept fluttering between their hands and onto their swimsuits, they thought it was really fun
 Glad that there are a few bugs here in Brazil that they like!
Today they didn't go swimming on Tuesday, because when we came out we found there were a bajillion little dead gnat flies floating all in the pool. I guess it's getting to cold at night? They pulled off the pool and then noticed all the bugs, and just sat there staring in disgust, then one by one said "I'm not going swimming...." "...neither am I..." I wished they had noticed the bugs before they pulled off the net, cause the rope around the net is really hard to put into it's little peg holes. But we got it put away and I thought that the pool guys would be by Wednesday to clean. They might have come by, but I was gone with Natalie at the doctor with no one that kinda speaks Portuguese at home to answer the gate bell. Then they rang by today and cleaned out most of the bugs. I kept trying to get more swarms of little dead bug bodies out after they left, and after a half hour I got it clean enough that the kids were willing to go in. They all said it was super cold though... maybe it's getting to cold to swim, as Brazil is entering it's "fall" season. We'll see!