Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Tiradentes Day

So, after some googling of official holidays observed in Brazil, I learned that today is Tiradentes Day, in honor of Joaquim Jose da Silva Xavier, who was executed on April 21st for his involvement in a revolutionary movement protesting taxes from Portugal. Well, more than just protesting, also wanting to declare independence for Brazil, which Portugal didn't like. He was hanged and his body was... well, read this if you want to know more. Pretty brutal. It might have been nicer to remember him on the day he was born rather than when he was executed, although I can see why that date was a more poignant memory for the populace. We've been doing some research on Brazil and it's founding, interesting stuff. I'll share those things some time (I'm glad I was not born in the 18th century and that I was not a member of any European monarchy, see this info on Maria Leopoldina. Married by proxy when you're 20 then sailing to a new continent, yikes. And I'm sure she didn't have a Sam's Club membership. I got it easy) Anyway, so no work for Corey today. And they closed the road around the park, just like they do on Sundays. I joined many other exercise enthusiast out there, and it was fun walking in the road rather than on the sidewalk. :) 

Our ward here in Campinas had a big-ol' barbeque and party at the Chácara Wizard. Everyone had a good time. Party was scheduled to go from 9:00 to 16:00. (I'm still getting used to trying to do a 24 hour clock). We didn't know proper protocol, but showed up at 10:30 (got lost on the way there, I had looked at the map but then second guessed myself when the gps lady told me to go a different way, next time I'm not listening to her). When we arrived There was a great party going on! You having fun in the ball pit, Sophi? Love that little happy face.
The kids had fun in the ball pit...
....on the playground...
The thought the bridge was super scary!! It shakes!
Helping Natalie have the confidence to cross it...
All the big kids are great helpers with the little girls.
There was a little musical group strummin' their guitars and singing songs, Corey broke out his saxophone (he's so good, always prepared) and joined in.
That takes talent to play the saxophone in the Brazilian heat with a warm toddler sitting on your lap.
Why Corey and I wore long pants and shirts, who knows. I just don't have shorts, I don't wear them anymore. And especially not when I'm pregnant have my varicose veins return with haste. I have knee length skirts that I'll wear at home, but not in public. Wish I could have. It was a hot day.
I also wish I could have gone swimming. The pool looked so good. It was deep all the way around though, so Natalie and Sophi didn't swim either.
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch (the chicken and steak were sooooo good). But after holding Natalie's hot sticky body all afternoon, I was ready for a break. I put her in her swimming suit and had Mel hold her in the pool, which Natalie loudly protested. Ok, fine, but I know your body is thankful for us helping you cool off. Her cheeks were so pink. We dipped her in again. Then we tried the shower approach. Lily showed her how it was done ~ bend over and get your back wet...
It was a hit, Natalie loved the shower.
And of course we just thought she was so cute and took a ton of pictures. She's get wet, then push Melodie towards the shower ~ "Your turn!" "My turn!" "Your turn!" "My turn!"
She looked like a bigger kid in this swimsuit or something, she just looked kinda older. She's not afraid to have water run down her face anymore, my baby is growing up.
We had a great time and were some of the last people to leave. The kids just can't get enough of swimming. Natalie would "push" them in the pool with a little slap on the leg or on the behind. 
I told the kids that as soon as we got home, I was going straight from the car into the backyard and jumping straight into the pool. Then I remembered we had to take off the net. That kinda takes the edge off of our dramatic action. But the kids helped us out and they took off the net, Corey put on his swimsuit, I just jumped in. Felt soooo good. Everyone got in the pool except for Sophi. Come on, Soph, we're all in! Come in with us! She would come out to watch us, and Corey would say "Come in!" and then she'd squeal a little girl protest and run away. Corey got out to try to hide and then grab her, but there are 9+ entrances and exits to the house and he didn't get the right door. He gave up and got back in the pool, then Sophi would come sneak out again to spy on us. Then Corey said "Sophi, I have candy for you!" "CANDY?!?!" and she forgot that he was trying to get her, and came up, closer, closer, almost within reach, and he nabbed her. He was in the pool and held her above the water while he took off her socks and shoes, then into the pool they dipped, diaper, dress, and all. "DAD! You get me wet!" she cried. "You get my dress wet!" She was pretty mad at him. Someone ran and got her swimming suit, and he continued to hold her trapped in the pool while they changed her out of the wet dress and into her pink suit. Then she had a change of heart and actually swam willingly here at home for the first time! She had fun! Go Sophi!
Corey got her to jump in and she kept doing it again and again and cheered for herself "I jump so high!" and did it again and again and again. 
Then he tried to bring up that big bad person that got her dress wet, and was able to convince Sophi that Melodie was the guilty party. "Mel got your dress wet!" "Yeah!" "Say no-no Mel" and we all told Mel no-no, don't get Sophi's dress wet. It was fun. Corey finished off the holiday by hooking us up with our own home theater using his work projector. Despicable Me. The kids had a good day, it was nice to have Corey home.