Saturday, May 16, 2015

Just Another Saturday

Another lovely Saturday in Brazil. I went to the temple this morning, 
Took too many pictures of flowers afterwards (I'm turning into my father). 
Came home to find the Elves had stopped by for a visit.
Wesley's been looking up Lord of the Ring elf crowns and making them. I think he does a great job! He's made lots to share with his sisters.
Using the metal and pointy bbq skewers from the back yard as swords. Sounds safe.
Later that afternoon, a kid took my camera and took some pictures. The selfie photo revealed the guilty party.
Her Zebra family, with their friend the chihuahua, which Lily named "AnyColorRainbow"
 Always fun to see how the world looks from a few feet down.

And today I used the bug rackets for the first time. I've killed 3 mosquitos! Sooo satisfying!!
I zapped this one then called the kids to triumphantly show off my kill. 
Then Abi took the racket and pushed the button to electrocute it a few more times. It's little corpse gave off like 10 more sparks as it burned up in smoke as she chanted "Die! Die! Die!"
I killed a fly in the kitchen too - way better than waiting for a fly to land somewhere so you can smash it on your call with a fly swatter, no no, that's the old way of killing bugs. Now, I just get out the racket, hit it in mid air, and it falls twitching on the ground. Then sweep it into the trash. I think these rackets are keepers.

Corey is on his way back from the Sao Paulo airport right now. He went there to pick up a girl from Chile who he knew on his mission. He invited her to come and stay with us for a week. Should be fun, but I'm sure speaking Spanish with her is gonna kill any and all progress I've made trying to speak Portuguese!