Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Little Moments

Here are a few little moments of the day ~
We'll start with Sophi asleep this morning. Usually she's not sleeping like this, thus why I had to capture it. (She usually is not on her back or pillow, doesn't have her blanket on over her, or holding her hands.)
Melodie was stretching in the front room. Natalie wanted to join her on her mat, but I went and got mine for her to use.
She is such a little shadow, always watching and imitating.
And showing Mel some of her own yoga positions. This one is called "floppy fish"
My little girls making a club in the back yard with the crate couch cushions.
 Natalie kept breaking it, so luckily she got distracted with the hammock.
Swinging in the hammock is called either "wee!" or "my turn" since those are the two things said when they are swining alone (wee) or when they have to share (my turn)
Natalie was enjoying "wee" right here since no one else was in line. It is so funny and cute to watch her push herself around and dangle on the hammock. We still should try to find another hook somewhere to hang it properly
Wesley had a new hobby - braiding. He'll put little braids in my hair, then some in Abi's, Lily's, Sophi's, he even did Gianinna while she was here.
Usually it's just little tiny braids on the sides, but I showed him some youtube videos on different styles of braiding, so he's begun to experiment with other kinds of braids.
The legos are still a hit with the little girls, although they've lost the mermaid with the pink tail. I Lily hid it from Sophi and now can't remember where she hid it, cause it's not just normal lost or I think it would have turned up when I clean or something. And it's nice to not have the set mixed up with other legos and thus not be able to build it without searching for the pieces. Cause this is the only set we have, yay! It still gets scattered all over the floor most days, but not to hard to clean up. We're living the simple life.
Hyrum has been reading a lot - He asked if we could do the "50 minutes 50 times for 50 bucks" like he did in 4th grade when he homeschooled. I said sure. But then he realized that to get the lego set he wants he needs 80. So it's 50 minutes 80 times for 80 bucks, which doesn't have the same cool ring to it, but oh well.
Wesley is doing 50 minutes 60 times for 60 bucks, they are working hard to have money in their hands when we get back to Utah.