Monday, May 25, 2015

Sunday Afternoon

Just another Sunday afternoon in Brazil. Natalie usually always falls asleep on the drive home. Here she is last Sunday.
When the kids have to be quiet for their sleeping baby sister, that always turns into a good time for us to take a nap too.
I thought this was cute that she had her thumb in her mouth. 
The kids usually color and play. they built forts yesterday.
I love Sophi's little people.
One fun thing - yesterday I was the piano accompanist for the ward choir! Isn't that impressive? Where else but here in Brazil would I be presented with the opportunity to be the #2 go to person when it comes to piano playing. Pretty funny, but a great blessing. I might ask our RS President back at home if I can play for the Relief Society when we get back to the states, it would be nice to have an excuse to keep practicing and playing. Although I will have a new baby soon... I better take advantage of the time I have now. But I'm really grateful for this opportunity, it's a great blessing.

The weather is great right now. There are beautiful flowers all around.
I learned recently that the orange flowers on the tree are called the African Tulip Tree. They are constantly in bloom, very pretty.
They line the whole street outside. Here is where I go for my walk three times a week, the sidewalk on the right there goes all the way around Parque Portugal.
Our house is just right across the street from the park. Here is our brick wall.
Our front gate door
 And the gate for the car on the left.
It was really nice to come home after spending a night in that beach hotel last Thursday night. Even though after we arrived "home" Sophi said kept saying "Not that home..." which made us smile. She was pretty disappointed we showed up at this place instead of in Utah. Sorry Soph, that's a bit of a longer trip to get to there, but we'll go, we promise. Life here has started to feel a little too normal, which means it's about time to wrap things up here. Another 5 weeks and we will really be home.