Monday, June 29, 2015


We are leaving Brazil this Wednesday night, so last Wednesday, after the Talent Night was finished, we've been talking about what to do on our last week, and have been all taking note of all of our "lasts". For Corey and I, our last date night was a little walk down the street to the main gate of Parque Portugal to have a bite at the little sandwich shop there, Gordão Lanches. Good chicken sandwich and fries and Guarana. I think the kids will all miss the Guarana. We'll have to see where they sell that in Utah, I'm sure they have it somewhere.

On our last Saturday, I enjoyed my last morning trip to the Campinas Temple and doing a temple session in Portuguese. 
I came home and Corey was gone teaching his last GMAT class. After he got back, he took Mel, Ethan, and Zeb out for the day - they went to a churrascaria and pigged out on meat, then they went to the temple to do baptisms. Corey did a session. Then they went to the mall for souveniers and to a fruit market for their last chance to try the exotic fruits that Brazil has to offer. Corey brought home this to show us - the Sugar Apple, or Annona squamosa. Pretty weird!  
Tastes a little bit like the persimmon, but with the texture of a banana. And a lot more seeds.
And also the part right between the green shell and the fleshy seed part had the texture of a sugar date and was really good. The kids thought it tasted good, but texture was weird and it looks weird.

Natalie saying "eew!" She didn't try it. I thought it was good though. We wish we could bring back some of these fruits to share!
Then yesterday we said goodbye to all our friends at church. Last time going to church in Porkageez! Natalie, with her baby never far away. No more bringing toys to church in Utah kids. 
Also, the schedule for church here has Relief Society and Priesthood first, then Sunday school, and Sacrament meeting last. Everyone brings snacks to sacrament meeting. I didn't the first few weeks, but then people give us snacks, so not wanting to feel like a leech, I've kept packages of crackers and cookies in my Sunday bag so I'm ready for church. As I broke out the cookies and passed them out yesterday, Corey told the kids "Enjoy the last time having snacks at church!" We took some toys to donate to the nursery. Natalie hogged them.
(Little stinker)
Then we all enjoyed our last Sunday nap in Brazil.

And for today, we had our last visit for dinner with friends. A nice family from Peru that is in the ward invited us over tonight. It was nice to be able to speak Spanish instead of Portuguese! We went over at 8 and stayed until 10. The mom taught me how to make the classic Peruvian dish she had prepared for us - lettuce with boiled eggs and boiled potatoes on it covered in a cheese sauce. The cheese sauce was made from Cheddar cheese, mozarella cheese, and a little bit of Provolone cheese. And one clove of garlic, milk, and then you puree it in the blender. Then you pour it over your eggs and potatoes. Pretty good stuff! As we ate, they were all watching the Chile vs. Peru soccer game. We started to tease and cheer for "Chi-Chi-le-le-le!" but then Corey saw one of the husbands give a signal that it wasn't a good idea to tease. The ladies were all really into the game. We watched with them. We were there while all 3 goals of the game were scored, but left before it officially ended, thus hopefully easing their 2-1 loss!
Tomorrow I'll try to pack but also might kick up my feet to prep a little for the long flights home sitting upright. At church yesterday I had indigestion or something - felt like I had heartburn or like I was going to throw up. After we got home I layed down, all the kids came in and felt the baby's hiccups. I have a note from the doctor to let me get on the plane, but I do plan on having bags draped over me and kids in front of me to kinda hide my tummy. I've never had a problem before with our last trimester trips, but people here have made us a little nervous. I thought maybe I shouldn't exercise this week, but did my 400 lunges this morning. I feel okay, just big. I feel like I've been pregnant forever! 10 kids at 9 months each = 90 months = 7.5 years. That kinda is forever. I'm excited to go home mostly cause it means I'm free to have this baby - it was my mother's one condition, that I make it home before he's born. Just 3 days to go.