Thursday, June 18, 2015


I thought I'd capture the new sleeping arrangement that is going on around here until we go home. Lily stayed in that room by herself for the first month of our adventure. Then Gianinna stayed in there, followed by Abi for a week. The kids got it ready for Joseph and Ethan next, and now with our friend Zeb here, he's got that room to himself and Ethan has moved in with Hyrum and Wes. I think they worked out a comfortable arrangement for themselves.
As for the girls, Sophi moved in with Joseph and Ethan when they were here, and doesn't like to be a baby sleeping in our room with Natalie anymore. Their room is a bit crowded with one mattress on the bed and three more on the floor...
They stack three of the mattresses on the crates when they make their bed and room in the morning, making a very cushy day bed for themselves. And then the 4th mattress is put back in our room where it used to be when Sophi was in there, propped up against the wall by Natalie's pack and play crib. It's hard to walk around their room without stepping on a mattress during the night or in the mornings, when I go in to open up their door shutters to let them know the sun is up and the day has begun.

A cute thing this morning ~ Natalie woke up earlier than usual, cause she fell asleep earlier than usual last night, around 8:00 (early for her.) She had a bowl of cereal with her baby, which I just think is so cute how she has her "baby" leopard tucked under her arm all the time.
She also has to have a napkin or paper towel by her at all times, cause she spills little drops of milk and can't continue eating with such a mess about her. She'll say "Mess!" and look up at me with an "Oh no!" expression. So we make sure she's got a napkin and she's able to wipe up the spills as she goes.
After she finished her small bowl of Nestle Nescau cereal, which has been one of our cereal staples for the past 3 months, Natalie decided it was time to wake up the troops. She followed me in to the girls room. Lily was the closest sister within reach. Natalie picked up Lily's Beanie Boo toy, her chihuahua named "AnyColorRainbow" and proceeded to be her voice~ she shoved the chihuahua in sleeping Lily's face and said "Mommy!! Mommy!!" in her cute toddler falsetto, as if baby AnyColorRainbow was trying to wake up her mommy Lily to play with her or something. It totally made me laugh, cause that is what babies do, huh! Sleeping Mothers, trying to enjoy their last few minutes of quiet rest before a new day, and the "baby" is up and full of energy and getting in your face yelling and hitting you with shouts of "Mommy!! Mommy!"
Lily didn't quite seem to know what was happening, and I told Natalie to be quiet, and she told me "No!" and then went over to where Melodie was sleeping and stepped on her glasses and broke off the right temple. I took them in to my room to superglue them again. We've been super gluing that about once a week. for the past month, it broke before Iguacu. Just trying to survive until we can get home and order a new pair.

Then Natalie went in to the kitchen to have breakfast again with her sisters.
 Cute little people at our little breakfast bar.