Thursday, June 11, 2015

Noite do Jogo

Last night we hosted another activity for the missionaries and new members, and this time we were ready for the whole ward to come. Corey did a great job making a power point presentation with Minute to Win it games, with a spreadsheet ready to keep track of the teams and the scores. We didn't get a huge turnout, but it was still pretty good. We started the night playing the dice game "5000" for a half hour while we waited for more people to show up. Then at 7:30 the jogo tournament began. We got there early so that the kids could test out some of the games and we could see which ones would work and which ones didn't. These are the games that made the final cut:

Office Fling was our practice round, so they could all see how the games would go, with the 60 second count-down and such. Then we began and did these ten "Minute to Win It" games:
  • Face the Cookie
  • Hanky Panky
  • Bucket Head (Ethan got 8 balls in his bucket!)
  • Double Trouble
  • Junk in the Trunk
  • Separation Anxiety
  • Puddle Jumper
  • Roll With It
  • Tipsy
  • This Blows
At the end of the evening the Red and Green Teams tied for first, and Blue and Orange tied for 3rd, so we just handed out candy to everyone, plus they got to come take some treats with each game they one. Lots o sugar and lots of laughs. This lady below is Naiara, she did a great job at Face the Cookie and had us all laughing at her skill!
Hanky Panky - everyone finished this one, yay!
Naiara had us laughing again with "Junk in the Trunk" - her ping pong balls wouldn't come out! It just wasn't fair!
Separation Anxiety - separate the skittle colors!
Abi completed the "Roll With It" challenge.
Mel was so close but fell short, it was an honest effort though!
The toilet paper and hanky's came in handy as we wiped up water and Guarana off the table and floors after the "Puddle Jumper" and "Tipsy" challenges -
Joseph and Wesley both did that one and were so pleased with themselves at actually being able to do it!
Wes said it was easier than he thought, and he was pretty fast at chugging down that carbonated soda - he balanced two cans!
It was a fun night. Corey did a great job getting it all organized and ready, way to go sweetie. It was a fun activity.
The kids played around in the gym afterwards while we cleaned up a bit.
Corey shared his hopes that everyone there would do fun activities with their families, and said that for the pioneers, they were flexible with some religious callings and demands - but attending the dances was mandatory. He also shared some advice that his parents received on their wedding day "If you only have a dime, spend 5 cents on bread, 5 cents on flowers". It's important to spend time doing fun things and sharing simple pleasures with the people we love. We were glad to be able to play these games with all the kids here! Yes, glad that Joseph and Ethan arrived here safely ~ Life is good.