Monday, July 20, 2015

Band Trip to California

The boys got back late last night from their jazz band trip to California. Joseph center in his zoot suit
They left last Wednesday morning and arrived back at the "sound house" around 10:40 last night. I got these pictures from the facebook of one of the moms who went as a chaperone. Here is Ethan with her son who plays the piano for their group~
I'm glad to have pictures of it! Here is Joseph sitting in the front row on the left -
And Ethan doing a solo. LBB stands for "Little Big Band"
 Hyrum on the front left there -
The few weeks leading up to the trip, Hyrum was a little sad that we were "making" him go. I think he was mostly nervous because he wasn't prepared... he didn't practice much while we were in Brazil. But I think/hope he's had a good experience and will put forth a little more effort (with a little less nagging on our part) to practice and go again next year. So, they were excited to tell us all about the trip and their roommates ~ 
(Joe's new nickname is "Rico")
They spent a day at Disneyland, where Hyrum lost Corey's cell phone...
But good news, it was turned into the lost and found and they were able to get it 2 days later. phew! Hooray for honest people! So yeah, they were full of energy last night after they got home and were telling us all about the amazing things they learned and the fun things they did as they waited in lines at Disneyland "Let's hear it for Kyle!!" and their group would all being to clap in applause for each other and for random strangers. Silly stuff. Joseph and Ethan showed us their new amazing hand shake they do with lots-o-clapping and snapping. And they guessed what we were thinking via the game "snaps" (which they promptly scolded me for googling... "You can't look it up! I had to figure it out!!!") It was cute hearing them talk. Got less cute after midnight, when we tried to make them go to bed.
 The kids had a lot of fun. 
I'm glad they are having the opportunity to be in this band and part of this music program, it's a great experience for them on many levels.