Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Blues Night

Today around noon, Natalie and Owen and I went up to Park City to join the rest of family for a day of fun. There was the usual swimming, treats, and movies, but tonight was going to be a special treat because it was the Blues, Brews, and Brats night. But we don't do Brews, and didn't do the Brats, so just the Blues for us ~ Here we are all ready for the music to begin
Melodie keeping her little sisters entertained in their rocking chairs
You ready Owen? I guess that's as ready as he's gonna get.
Joseph and Ethan joined in with the band playing their saxophones for a third year in a row (2013, 2014).
 A brat photobombing my picture
 They had a good time jammin'
Lily was cute visiting with Grandpa - I can't remember their conversation, but this might have been where she was beginning to offer him tips and advice on how to hold a baby.
'cause Lily is a pro and holding babies.
Corey joined in on a song too.
Ethan up for an encore
One of their band members passed away over the weekend, their keyboard player. They had a picture of him and some flowers on his keyboard, which they set up one more time in his honor
 Owen chillin' with Grandma
Corey wanted Hyrum to play, but you know Hyrum... he's Mr. Reluctant and resorted to hiding. Silly kid. I wanted to get a picture of it, but when I'd look over at him hiding on the patio, his little head with it's worried eyes and nervous eyebrows would tuck down like a gopher into his hole. And thus the opportunity to snap a picture was gone. It was funny.
 I think Corey got him on the video camera though.
 And little Owen just slept through the whole thing. Angel baby.
 (He's saying "call me!")