Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Hyrum is 12

Another day, another year older. Happy Birthday Hyrum! Hyrum is 12, not 2. But the kids liked changing the window sign. "Hyrum is 2! Is Hyrum 21? Hyrum IS! ...2"
We enjoyed ham sandwiches for lunch with Cheetos and a salad, then we broke out the funfetti cake and sherbet ice cream, per Hyrum's request. He wanted to light the candles. Well, since you're 12, I guess we'll let you play with the fire.
Ok, time for the cake picture. Wait, you guys, go fix the sign, we're documenting.
 Thank you Joseph.
Ok, now we're ready for the birthday photo. 
Everybody sing! (Lily, you look great)
And blow!
Licking off the frosting from the candles. Lily makes me laugh. Leave it to kids to teach you that a ballerina tutu can double as a pink wedding veil.
Grandma and Grandpa Wride stopped by with presents for him, and Grandma Hibbert came by with another cake - and those were trick candles... we had to get a cup of water to put them out.
The kids all overloaded on cake and ice cream, and I did pretty good at staying away from it. And then they all played legos for the rest of the evening. Sounds like a good happy birthday.