Monday, August 31, 2015

Lots of Sleeping

Just realized that I take a lot of pictures of people sleeping. Babies sleeping...

Toddlers sleeping...

Toddlers sleeping with babies...
Teenagers sleeping...
Teenagers sleeping with babies...
Babies sleeiping with children...
Dads sleeping with children...
And of course, if anyone was ever around to take a picture of me sleeping, then there would be a lot of "mom's sleeping with babies" pictures. That's what Owen and I do almost the whole day long. And here's one last sleeping moment ~ Friday night Corey and I had several visitors join us in our bed...
You can see Sophi's leg there out at a 90 degree angle with her foot pointed at Owen's back. When Corey and I opened our eyes that morning to greet each other from our bookend positions, (as we were keeping all the little bodies from falling over the edge), the first words from Corey's mouth were "It's like human Tetris..." Aren't we talented? We can play games in our sleep.