Monday, August 17, 2015

Mega Night Games

Ethan told me this afternoon about how he hasn't been able to hang out with any of his school friends all summer. I told him to plan it and make it happen. Yes, you can do night games, sounds good. Yes, you can invite friends over to our house. So he made it happen.
Most of the kids at the nigh games party were neighborhood kids, and I think there were 3 from school.
I didn't realize how many kids were over until one of the little girls scraped her knee - and they brought her in to get a band aid - and I mean EVERYONE brought her in. "How many kids are out there?" (this isn't all of them, but it is most of them)
It was a good way to spend the last night of summer (cause tomorrow night is a "school night"!!!)
And in other exciting news, we have a visitor from Germany ~ Her name is Lisa, but the little girls think it's Princess Aurora. She is very nice, just like a princess, and she is pretty, just like a princess, and she has long blonde hair, just like Princess Aurora. Yes, she must be Princess Aurora!
The four little girls are smitten, especially Lily and Natalie. Lisa was so nice to stay up and read scriptures with us, even though with her jetlag her body thought it was 6 in the morning. We all took turns reading a few verses, and skipped over Sophi...
And when we were finishing up, Sophi said "I read!" "Do you need to read? Sorry Sophi, go ahead" and then she "read" her scriptures, which sounded a lot like one of her prayers... She just talked in her little quiet voice for a few minutes, talking about baby Owen and her friends and toys. It was cute, and I thought she looked like a little angel in her light green dress and white sweater. I love these kids.