Friday, August 7, 2015

Park City 2015

So, a final note about Park City this year. This picture above is from Mel's instagram today. We've left the older kids up there on their own and Corey's going to go get them tomorrow. I've been home with little kids during most of the week. I started the week on Monday at home with just Owen and Natalie, then went up to Park City for the day on Tuesday. Then on Wednesday Corey brought home Sophi so that he could go to work and not worry about her up there. And then yesterday and today Lily was home with us too. So this year was different from other years cause I wasn't up there much. Mostly because I'm useless thanks to my new little friend Owen.
As we tested thing out on Tuesday, I could kinda watch kids if they were in the room watching tv, but if any of the older kids, in their comings and goings, let one of the little people escape as they opened the door whilst I was feeding Owen... then we had a small problem.
I did wrap up Owen and turn off the tv once, and suggested that we go out and do something. No swimming though, I don't think I could supervise swimming very well with Owen, cause if he needed something, it would be too much of a process to gather everyone out to take care of him. So we went to "the Mine"... which is a fun place with toys and video games... and we ended up just changing our local and watching tv there. Not exactly what I was goin' for...
And the show there was really lame - "Courage the Cowardly Dog". Did not like that at all, it was rather painful to watch. We watched two episodes, and after things didn't improve during the second chance we gave it in the 2nd episode, we decided to go back to our room to watch something there where we were in charge of the remote. Boo for Courage, hooray for SpongeBob (I like SpongeBob) (although Squidward in Clarinet Land was dumb)
In the Mine it was cute seeing Natalie watch her and stare at her popsicle, and beg with her eyes for a few minutes. "I'm gonna stare you down until you give me a lick!"
Rhyan is a sweetheart and shared it, I thought it was cute.
Natalie didn't want to go back into the room. I just can't give you free reign, sweetie. And Owen needs me, into the room you go!

 Hyrum playing chess when he was hiding during the Blues Band night to avoid having to go play.
After the Blues night was over, Natalie cheerfully followed me to the car and we headed home. I gave her an ice cream drumstick and she was a happy sticky mess.
So that is all the pictures I got of Park City this year. I know the kids had great time, they always look forward to it. And after Park City is over, that's how we know that summer is almost over! When they come home tomorrow (after they mow the lawn) we gotta think and make a plan of attack for how we're gonna manage this upcoming school year. Cause ready or not, here it comes...