Thursday, September 3, 2015

Abi is 8!

It's a special day for this pretty girl, Happy Birthday Abi! 8 years old. Where did the time go?
Has it really been 8 years?!? Seems like just yesterday that you were the little face giving me the blank stares. Now look at ya - all grown up. Well, I guess we better celebrate. Get your party hats on!
Natalie, I love your little chubby face! 
So Abi came home from school and we had a table of treats and presents awaiting her.
We all sang happy birthday, then the boys grabbed their doughnuts and left for their Caleb Chapman auditions. We might have 3 different bands this year. I'm already drowning in life, I don't know how we'll do it. Then Grandma Hibbert came over and we sang again~
And more presents
 And then Grandma and Grandpa Wride came, and more presents~
Well, that seems like a successful birthday Abi! I think you're good to wait another year to cash in on loot again. No? You think there should be one more thing? Hmm... Okay, let's go get your ears pierced. So last night I asked Corey to take her out for a treat and get her ears pierced while they were on their date. They came home with some food from the mall food court in their tummys but no piercings in the ears. I rolled my eyes and teased Corey ~ "You failed. I gave you simple instructions, one job! and you failed..." He apologized, but justified himself saying he wanted her to "own" it, and she was a little too nervous. Oh bother, so sending them out didn't save me a trip after all. That's fine, I guess I'll take her tomorrow, Owen you better cooperate. (Mel and I went out for a few errands on Saturday and he started freaking out in the store and would not calm down, I was glad Mel was there, she took him outside and rocked him and he finally calmed down, but he's making my life a little tricky right now...) But that's okay, I'll take Abi to get her ears pierced tomorrow I guess. I'm not going to give Corey a second chance... But I was a bit let down, cause I thought Abi would have been really excited to show off her pierced ears to her class today on her birthday. And apparently I seemed a little too irritated cause soon Abi was in tears. I expressed my slight irritation that Corey didn't encourage her, and then Owen was fussy so I took him on a quick walk outside. Abi, who had gone into her room in deep remorse, came out to find me to say she was soo sorry, and I wasn't there so she ran outside looking for me to apologize but I went one way into the tree farm and she went around the block and couldn't find me, which made her feel even more in trouble and guilty or something, and when she got back home she was so worked up and crying... it took a while to calm her down, she was so sad! So I felt bad and sorry, and she felt bad and sorry, and we were just a big sorry mess. But all is well now! After Grandmas and Grandpas came by with gifts and we had doughnuts and ice cream, I gave Owen to Mel (he wasn't good for her) and Abi and I went back to the mall kiosk. She was pretty afraid and I felt a little bad like I was pressuring her into it, but she wanted to, she was just nervous. She was a little teary eyed, I told her she didn't have to... I didn't want to force her, but if she did want them pierced and just needed a little support I could do that... I just didn't want her to pass out, so I made sure she ate before we went and made sure she kept taking deep breaths and I held her and gave her a hug as she got poked and now all the trauma is over! The hard part is behind her and she's a giddy little girl with her sparkly purple earrings.
She is feeling pretty giddy and special now. And while we were on our way back, I got a call from home that there was a visitor at the house to see Abi. The only clue I gave was that it was one of her favorite people in the world. She wasn't able to guess, but was very happy to see her BFF Brooke~
They've been friends since way back when... (pics 4 and 5) Brooke was Abi's teacher in our church primary when Abi was 4 years old. That's like you Sophi! And Abi remembered "And I'd fall asleep on your lap..." Yes, Best friends forever. Although it's a little hard for a young girl to be bff's with a college girl who doesn't live at home, but Brooke will always be one of Abi's favorite people ever. Brooke was so sweet to make the trip up from Provo, and she brought her a pair of earrings. You got your ears pierces just in time Abi! I think she had a good day.