Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Pie Eating Contest

A little more about the reunion last weekend - on Saturday evening (9/5) we had a "pie" eating contest. I do believe it will be one of the more memorable events of our Olympics, and definitely one that the kids will want to repeat in the next Hibbert Olympic games. Amy prepared bowls of chocolate pudding and whipped cream for each contestant. Joseph and Ethan did a few "make a mess" warming up exercises by filling their mouths with whipped cream.
Amy put a gummy bear in each bowl, and the name of the game was to be the first person to find the gummy bear
We quickly had the table outside ready for the contest and all the participants got ready for the race.
The kid contest was first - on your marks, get set, go!!
Dig dig, find that bear! Abi was pretty fearless... 
Sam won the gold medal, Hyrum got the silver
Wesley didn't place, but I don't think he minded.
Abi was like the racer that was injured but just wouldn't quit - don't give up until you cross that finish line!
She had us all laughing pretty hard, including herself. And not putting her hair back contributed to her looking like she's really been through the battle. And finally, victory!
Good job Lily! (Don't know how she stayed so clean!)
Now it's time for the big kids and adults... Mark, set, go!
Joseph and Ethan were neck and neck ~ the true gold medal winner is still disputed by some...
Most people said it was Joseph though, but it was a close game.
Joseph, not one to be outdone by a little blonde haired girl (aka Abi) Mr. Joseph stuck his face back in the bowl after the race was over and proceeded to blow bubbles. Nice.
That's a good mess Joseph. You're giving some serious competition.
But I think the biggest mess is still gonna go to Abi. Getting all her hair in the pudding just made a bigger visual mess. I think the pie eating contest will go down in Hibbert History as one of the funnest memories of the reunion.