Sunday, September 6, 2015

Sophi is 4!!

Happy Birthday to Sophi! 
Since we knew we were going to be gone at the reunion over the weekend and on her birthday, (and because I didn't want her to open her lego present there and loose any pieces) we let her open her main present on Friday morning. The long awaited Anna and Elsa lego castle that she's been talking about since Brazil. "I want Anna Elsa Lego?" Yup, you can have it on your birthday! "I have Anna Elsa lego for my birthday." Yes, on your birthday. Well, your birthday is close enough and now that Abi's is over, you're next in line, might as well ~ here ya go kid!
What is it what is it?!?! An Elsa Lego! Wow! Who knew?
So that was Friday. Corey's parents brought by her presents on Thursday when they came to see Abi. My Mom is bringing them over tomorrow, but today she did have a Beanie Boo that she gave her, cause she felt that she had to have something to go along with the cake and ice cream or else it wouldn't feel like a birthday. So after a late lunch on Sunday, we weren't sure where Sophi was in the house, but we lit the candles and all started to sing Happy Birthday very loudly. All the kids came running, including Sophi. She came down the stairs with a big smile, she knew we were singing for her. It was cute.
This picture above is today, and as you compare them to the first photos here, you'll see that yes, she is still wearing the same shirt 2 days later (that one is a present from Gma Wride).
 And then we had a disco party dance to celebrate!
Uncle Neil just happened to bring a Disco Ball! We all did some swing dancing
Little bit of Michael Jackson, always a Hibbert favorite, and some Monkees of course 
 Joseph dancing with the birthday girl.
He brought it for just such an occasion and opportunity as this. So we all sang and danced to some classic Hibbert tunes from the 80s
I sat and snuggled my little fussy boy most of the time.
At church today I hung out in the mother's room and talked with another mother in there who had 3 of her 6 children be colicky - turns out, I think Owen is has colic. I think it's mostly from gas - I do think he swallows air when he nurses, and I definitely felt little bubbles passing as I felt his tummy today. Poor little guy.