Monday, October 12, 2015

Fire Station

We joined some moms from our neighborhood for a little outing to the Fire Station today. It was great. The thing I was most excited about learning was that if you are stuck in a room, you're supposed to but a blanket hanging out the window so they know to go to that room. Had I not learned that I would probably have been waving and screaming for help. Good to know. Natalie and Sophi both got a pink fire hats.
I think Sophi needs more outings like this. It was funny to see my little four year old. While we were in this room, the fireman would ask them questions which usually required a yes or no answer. Sophi would always nod her head. He told them how to stop drop and roll, and all the kids practiced rolling on the ground. Then he told them how to touch a door to see if it was not (use the backside of your hand so if it's hot your reflexes will make you pull away rather than grasp) and he asked for a volunteer to show how it was done... "Who wants to go first?" Sophi raised her hand. Ok - crawl over to the door to see if it's hot... She didn't crawl, she rolled (like we'd just practiced!) and she was wearing her little dress so that was riding up as she rolled and showing her Ariel underwear and I shook my head as she continued to try and roll in a straight line to the door (not easy to roll forward...) Anyway, we made it to the door, she didn't touch it with the back of her hand per instructions, but that is a-ok. We made it out and were standing up again. They told us all the things on the fire engine. Any questions? Sophi nodded. (She didn't really have a question). They showed all the stuff a fire fighter wears. Mom's and a few kids asked questions. Any more questions? Again, Sophi nodded affirmatively like a good little sister that goes along with whatever everyone is doing. So he asked Sophi what her question was and she just smiled at him shyly and then looked at the ground. So that was our outing. And Sophi kept trying to correct Natalie, who was wearing her hat incorrectly...
I thought the backwards hat was cute on you Natalie, you keep it that way. And we'll let Sophi keep raising her hand too.