Saturday, October 31, 2015

Trick or Treat

We had three Supermans this Halloween. One Superbaby, and two Clark Kent. Owen has got the Superman fly pose down like a pro.
Joseph babysat Owen and passed out candy while I took Natalie and Sophi trick or treating down the street. Here's what our front door step looked like:
I went with Natalie and Sophi to about 6 houses and then left them with Mel as I ran home and got Owen and Joseph and Joe's friends and took them to a party they had going on. I piked up Natalie and Sophi on my way cause they were pretty slow and couldn't keep up with the rest of the group.
But these little toddlers... Halloween lives for these little souls. We put two different costumes on Sophi, but she didn't want to wear them, so she wasn't dressed up at all. Silly girl.
Natalie was wearing some Elsa pajamas. 
Natalie wouldn't put on a jacket, so that is why I grabbed her to come with me to take Joseph. She and Sophi were perfectly content though to have their little bag with 10 pieces of candy. Love it. Simple, low key, that's how I like Halloween to be.
I didn't get any pictures of the other kids. Hopefully our neighbors did, I'll post them later if they send me any.