Thursday, October 29, 2015


Wednesdays aren't my favorite. Things have felt particularly crazy this whole week with Halloween + Red Ribbon week and the kids having something extra going on everyday on top of the usual craziness that goes on. So today was crazy hair day.
Corey stayed home testing out a trebuchet that he wanted to make for the young men of our ward at the activity at the church tonight.
 Owen, he'd doing pretty good. 
The Jr. high kids had a music concert tonight, so they were sad they couldn't go to the church chili cook off.
Corey took Ethan to band in American Fork and then back up to go to the concert. I was on my own with the ward activity. It was a cold fall evening, I didn't get jackets for the kids. But glad they all had socks and shoes. Didn't do their hair. We thought it started at 6, but it didn't begin until 6:30
Sophi is Ariel, Abi a witch, Lily is little red riding hood. Natalie is a generic princess, and Wesley is a blueberry sucker. He made that costume by himself. He really wanted to be a sucker.
Got a little cold as the sun set. Natalie got a few pieces of candy at the first cars and then she was done and just stood there shivering as she ate her swedish fish.
Pretty soon the trunk or treat was over and we headed inside for some warm chili. The kids didn't want it. Maybe next year we'll give them a bag of candy after dinner is done.
Natalie didn't get cold enough outside, so she decided to freeze her fingers in some ice water.
Wes and Tess 
Lily looks a bit like a vampire with her two front teeth missing.
They didn't eat the chili, but did have some of the fritos and corn chips. Abi over at the pumpkin decorating table.
And we headed home to a messy house after it was over. I confiscated all the candy and will hold it ransom for chores done. Doesn't seem fair, but I don't like them eating candy when they haven't put away their clean laundry from two days ago which is now scattered over the floor or when their shoes and backpacks and homework are strewn throughout the house. Man, I'm already done with all this chaos. Such a whirlwind of activities and it's only been one term of school. I don't know if I'm gonna make it till June. And then I begin again to think about leaving the country. Not rational thinking, I know. It isn't the easiest answer to our situation, but for some reason is the one that I go to first. Sigh. I'm glad this weeks' Wednesday is over.