Thursday, November 19, 2015

Blog Books

I've gotten all my blog posts printed up in Blog books. It's taken me a few years to get it all done, but I just ordered 2014, so now I'm officially up to date. The book for 2014 should be here in time for Christmas. I started printing them in in 2012 and would give them to Corey for his birthday or Christmas.
They are on a shelf with all our journals now. 
We've got 7 book so far. 2007 is the first book there - I didn't blog back then but did put all our emails to family from our first trip to Brazil on the blog when I started in 2007, so that's that book. The second one: 2008-09. I didn't blog much yet, so those two years are combined into a thin book - Book #3 is 2010, it's a big one from our adventure to Costa Rica. Book 4 is 2010-11 and documents Chile - those 5 months are larger than two years of 2008-09. Book 5) 2011 when we're back in Utah, Book #6 - 2012 and Book #7 - 2013.
This last book I just ordered today for 2014 is gonna be big, it was over 400 pages, yikes. Maybe I should have split it into two. we'll see. I'm glad I was able to get a discount with it~ right now there is a great deal - 25 % off with the promo code 250K, cause Blog2Print has printed over 250,000 books. :) Offer expires tonight! I don't let the kids look at them, they are just for keepsake. If they want to reminisce they can come find it on the computer. But I'm glad I have them printed up. :)