Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Family Bonding

On Sunday night we had a big long family talk. I love it when those talks happen, when everyone is in the zone and just keeps having something more to say, it's fun. The family bonding started by us trying to resolve the fight that happened during their game of Risk - claims of cheating and people not being nice - ganging up on Joseph (Wesley kept declaring war on him), or was it cause everyone was ganging up on Ethan (who was champoning Wesleys efforts, which irritated Joe)? The game ended poorly with feeling getting hurt, so we had a talk after reading scriptures and family prayer. The talk continued with a full hour of everyone taking a turn saying what we all liked about each member of our family. Lily went first, and when we moved on she felt bad when we all started saying nice things about Sophi and Abi... We let it be her turn again but it wasn't enough. Joseph started to rub her back to make her feel better. That eventually ended up putting her to sleep.
As the conversation continued, the little girls keeled over one by one. There's Sophi in the doorway, Lily by Corey's feet, Natalie conked out by me.
It was late when we stopped, there were no hard feelings over the board game. We all like each other, good. It was a good talk though and I wish I had recorded the whole thing. I told the kids to try to write in their journals what they remember was said about them, cause there was just way too much said for me to document. But in a nutshell, we think our kids are awesome and are doing great things and are just getting started, we are excited to see what lies ahead for each of them.
So, even though we had daylight saving time end to give us an extra hour, we spent it talking and so were just as tired when we woke up Monday morning, drat!