Monday, December 7, 2015


Yesterday we had a b-day celebration for all the cousins and grandpa over at Corey's parent's house. December is a little top heavy for birthdays. While we were there, Corey's brother held Owen for a little bit. Soon he was laughing and said it's cause he just can't hear the name Owen with out thinking of the movie "Throw Momma from the Train". I never saw that one. We looked up a clip on youtube, and now my kids are perfecting their Momma voices. Kinda funny
Last night Wes was saying over and over again "OOO-WEN! Get me a Soda with some ice in it!" He was holding our sweet little Owen at the time, and he was just looking around chillin with his binki in his mouth - it was making me laugh I'll get a video of it. :) Silly kids, we might have to find a way to rent this movie, but all the rental stores are out of business, right? So sad. Maybe we'll have to get with the times and start streaming. Speaking of video and DVD rentals.... Corey used to pass a video store on his way to work in Campinas. It looked like it was struggling for business. Then, one day, the inevitable happened and it was closed. Aah! it makes him stress out! Corey has always felt that the business was moving too slowly, that by the time the software was ready for DVDs, DVDs would be out of date and people would only be streaming. I'm glad people still use DVDs and have them in their cars and stuff (everyone still uses DVDs, right? Nod your heads and say "yes"). It has taken long for Movie Mouth to get going, but things are looking better than ever for him. Last week was a really good week. They got something resolved with the cap table, which has been a big concern for Corey for the past few months, and also they finally partnered with an English school in Brazil! Yay that was really good news. It was a good week. On another day Corey had me bring some of our relics and souvenirs from our travels to his office so they could use them for props for a commercial they were filming close by. Pretty fun to see his dream take shape and become a reality.