Friday, January 29, 2016

Friday 3:09 PM

It's a Friday and everyone is home from school, yay! We survived another week. Melodie and Ethan are in their default Friday after school mode, aka crashed out on the couch.
Correction: last week they were crashed out on the couches, this week they're crashed out on the recliner and the ottoman. Last week they both slept until 6pm. We'll see how long they sleep this time, they gotta lot of sleep to catch up on. Hyrum is having a snack in the kitchen. Wes, Abi, and Sophi are all playing outside in the snow.
Lily is playing sweetly by herself in her room ~ Say cheese Lily
Joseph, who is usually the first one home, is our last one home on Fridays. Everyone else has early out day (Joseph has late start on Mondays, which is okay I guess, but I think I like early outs better). I asked Joseph to tune the ukulele for me.
Owen took a break from eating the wipes to listen to him.
(Love that little face!!!!)