Friday, February 26, 2016

Museum Outing

Today the elementary kids didn't have school. I didn't take them on an outing like we had tried to plan, cause Owen had been a stinker and I was a bit exhausted. But after the older kids got home, I had been able to recover slightly, and then when Owen fell asleep we had our chance to escape. I left him home with Mel and Ethan and took the rest of the crew to Thanksgiving Point. What do you think of the dinosaur museum, Natalie?
She wasn't sure what was going on. The apron I put on her was a wee bit wet, which wasn't to her liking. I thought the water table would be where they'd like to spend their time so we went straight there, but the museum appears to be running low on sand and plastic dinosaurs and it wasn't that fun for them. Okay, fine, so we quickly moved on.
Their favorite part was the cute baby dinosaur. Awww, everyone cuddle up to the adorable baby!
Natalie, don't climb on the displays.
We planned for only a quick hour there, cause I wanted to be back before the jazz boys had to leave for the Peaks Festival. We ended up staying an extra 30 minutes but it was okay. They had fun. I'm going to try to use our membership more often. We only have to go two times to get our money's worth out of the membership, but it really is a cool place. I'm hoping to go to the garden once a week (very optimistic) once it warms up. Definitely for the tulip festival, and hopefully on other lovely days too, to enjoy the lovely gardens.