Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Sledding Injury

Yesterday, our friends invited us up to go sledding again at their cabin. It was the perfect motivation to make my kids clean most of the morning and I'm happy to say after another blessed day off of school, the house looks great. That makes for a great way to start a school week. So they cleaned all morning and around 1:30 we headed out for the day. I stayed in the cabin with the little kids most of the time. I brought along my Kirby vacuum to help clean their carpets. They're in need of a new vacuum, and I wanted to show her that the Kirby is the one she needs. Not cause I'm a Kirby salesman, but because I'm a believer. I also brought along my ecloths and cleaned and polished windows. We had been cleaning all morning, I was just trying to stay in the groove hoping it will carry through to the rest of the week (laundry room still needs help). Natalie played with Owen, I thought it was cute that he could barely squeeze into this little push cart.
Joseph brought along homework to do, Hyrum did some of his in the car on the drive up. The others were going to wait until we got back home. We had to leave sooner than usual cause it's a school night. As the kids were finishing up their last sledding rides before the sun went down, Hyrum hurt himself as he jumped onto his sled in a race. He came in after and said how badly it hurt. Luckily there was a doctor in the house. He recommended we get it x-rayed after we were back in the valley. So we got home, kids did homework, others got ready for bed, and then we decided to take Hyrum to the ER rather than wait until the urgent care opened in the morning. So off Hyrum and Corey went at 11:00. They returned home with the diagnosis of a fractured radius, a type of fracture typically caused by falling on to the outstretched hand. He was treated with a splint and ace bandage that he has to wear for 3 weeks. 
He's going to have to learn how to do lots of things single handed. I had to help him unbutton his pants and put on his shirt last night, but he was able to do it this morning. Always an adventure!