Thursday, February 18, 2016


Here are a few snapshots from the day. Snapshot 1: Ethan.
Ethan, I realize I haven't put any of your selfies on the blog yet, so I will now post these two selfies for posterity's sake, but I really am tired of having to delete all of these off of my camera everytime I find it.
50+ photos of Ethan's head everytime I leave my camera out by the computer. You know I don't like you using my camera, especially without permission, tsk tsk. I know you don't take me seriously, and maybe I'm not, cause I know I will find it several times next week and will have to delete more selfies of you again. YOU stay focused on your homework. I'll try not to leave my camera out to tempt you.

Snapshot 2: Abi holding Owen. He was tired and I had put him to bed, then I was busy, he woke up and started fussing, Abi came to his rescue and got him out of the crib. But he really was tired...
She walked around with him for one minute and he was bobbing his head trying to fight sleep. Silly baby.

Snapshot 3: Natalie "coloring". As I mentioned in the last post, her coloring usually just consists of a #2 pencil. Today she was coloring up such a storm that she turned the side of her hand gray...
She found it a bit concerning...
I assured her she did not have a big bruise or owie, and then she continued her coloring. 
I'm making a dollar store run tomorrow to get more coloring scribbling books for my girls, and then I'm going to go throw away all the scraps of papers and shredded books lying around and we'll start fresh for another month and a half.