Monday, March 7, 2016

Back Home

I picked up Corey late Saturday night/early Sunday morning at the airport. He landed a little early, just before midnight, but then they couldn't find his checked bag, so he waited around for that for a half hour, they didn't find it. They'll track it down and deliver it though. So we got home a little after 1. aka 5 a.m in Brazil. Corey slept in a little bit Sunday morning. All the kids were sad I wouldn't let them come to the airport with me to get him, so Corey woke them up early for hugs and kisses.
I thought I'd also get a snapshot of Owen and a new game he likes to play called "You have a funny chin face too, and I'm gonna grab you by your nostrils", They think it's pretty funny when he gets his little digits in there and gives their noses a good yank.
And slaps their eyes. Owen's got good potential to be the drummer in our family music band.